Let's learn from Communication Theory

Shifting Perspectives: The Standpoint Theory in Data Analytics

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

In communication theory, the Standpoint Theory is a fascinating concept that sheds light on how our backgrounds and experiences shape our understanding of the world. Let’s dive into this theory and explore how it applies to data analytics, where diversity can make all the difference.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

The Power of Feminist Language in Dashboard Design

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

In information dashboard design, words matter just as much as visuals. You might wonder what feminist language has to do with data visualisation. Well, the words we use in dashboards make a big difference in shaping our thoughts and perceptions, especially regarding gender equality.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

The Impact of Euphemisms in Information Dashboard Design

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

Understand Euphemisms in Visualisation

Communication has a lot to do with what words we use. An euphemism is when we use lovelier or milder words to make something sound less harsh or unpleasant, like saying “passed away” instead of “died.” Dysphemism is the opposite, using harsh or offensive words to make something sound worse or more harmful than it is, like using strong language to criticise someone. Both euphemism and dysphemism are ways we play with words to influence how others perceive things in communication. One could say it is the vocabulary of manipulation.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

Navigate the Pitfalls of Sophism in Data Analytics

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

Data analytics is like a treasure trove of information, ready to be unlocked and used. But a lurking danger called Sophism can turn our data-driven dreams into a nightmare. Let’s explore Sophism in data analytics and how to avoid its traps.

Communication Compositional Weight Comprehensibility Design Let's learn from Communication Theory Semantics

The Power of Visual Communication: Unlocking Meaningful Data Visualisation

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

In data visualisation and dashboard development, visual communication plays a pivotal role in conveying complex information effectively. Just like a language has its own vocabulary and grammar, visual communication relies on a profound knowledge of visual elements and their arrangement. This post explores why understanding visual vocabulary and grammar is essential for creating meaningful data visualisations that facilitate information exchange and foster understanding.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

The Lasswell Formula: Empowering Decision-Making Through Information Dashboard Design

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

The Lasswell Formula provides a robust framework for effective communication. Developed by Harold D. Lasswell, this formula highlights the importance of answering fundamental questions: “Who says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect?” This blog post will explore how the Lasswell Formula applies to information dashboards, emphasizing the significant role of the “with what effect” component. We’ll discuss how this empowers users to resonate, relate, or reject the message and make informed decisions.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

FOMO Theory: Avoiding Data Discovery Distractions and Focusing on Business Questions

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) theory has gained prominence in the era of data and analytics. It describes the anxiety-inducing desire to discover new and surprising insights from data constantly. However, when this desire dominates decision-making, it shifts the focus away from solving business questions. This blog post explores the FOMO theory’s impact on data discovery and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach that prioritizes solving practical challenges over chasing irrelevant patterns.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

Harnessing the Agenda Setting Theory: Empowering Business Decision Making

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

The agenda-setting theory, developed by McCombs and Shaw, sheds light on the media’s profound influence in shaping public perception and priorities. Understanding this theory can have a transformative impact on dashboard development and the entire BI process. This post explores the agenda-setting theory and its adaptability to dashboard development. It is emphasizing the significance of measuring what truly matters.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

Unveiling the Gatekeeping Theory: Empowering Dashboard Design with Responsibility

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design and data analytics in this Mini-Series.

The gatekeeping theory highlights the power and responsibility associated with controlling information flow. When it comes to dashboard design, which revolves around providing essential information that drives business value. So, the famous saying “From great power comes great responsibility” takes on new significance.

Let's learn from Communication Theory

Understanding the Framing Effect and how it improves your Information Dashboard Design

Mini-Series: Let’s learn from Communication Theory

Uncover the hidden power of communication theories on information dashboard design in this Mini-Series.

The treasury of communication theories has a fascinating concept called the “framing effect.” This idea, pioneered by sociologist Erving Goffman, explores how people’s perceptions and judgments are influenced by how information is presented. Understanding the framing effect can significantly benefit the design of dashboards. It reminds us of the importance of tailoring information best to meet the audience’s information needs and motivations to use the dashboard. Get the framing right even before you start looking at the data. Then, it’s almost impossible to fail.

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